국립부경대학교 | Statistics & Data Science



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Seongbaek YiEmeritus Professor

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Ph.D., Statistics (1996)

  -Texas A&N University, College Station, Tx. 

    Advisor: Jeffrey Hart

M.S., Statistics (1989)

  -Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (South)

B.A., Economics (1985)

  -Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (South) 


Professional Experiences 

Head (01/2021~12/2022) 

  School of Data and Information Sciences

  Department of Statistics and Data Science

Vice president at The Korean Statistical Society (01/2021~)

Vice president at The Korean Data Information Science Society(01/2019~12/2020)

Professor (04/2010 ~ )

  Associate Prof. (04/2005 ~ 03/2010), Assistant Prof. (03/1999 ~03/2005)

  Department of Statistics, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea.

Visiting Professor (Jan. 2020 ~ Jan. 2021) 

  Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX., USA. 

Visiting Professor (Jan. 2013 ~ Jan. 2014) 

  Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX., USA.

Visiting Professor (Aug. 2006 ~ Aug. 2007) 

  Department of Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD., USA.

Research Interests 

Theoretical Statistics

Bayesian Inference

Statistical Education


Courses I have taught

In Korea at Pukyong National Univ.

 -Mathematical Statistics


 -Elementary Statistics

 -Bayesian Statistics

In USA at Texas A&M Univ.(2020, 2013) and UMBC(2006)

 -Stat 302 (Statistics for life sciences) 3 sections at each semester (at TAMU)

 -Regression Analysis (at UMBC) 


Uhm, T. and S. Yi. (2021). A comparison of normality testing methods by empirical power and distribution of P-values, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. online published.

Uhm, T., J.E. Lee, S. Yi, S.W. Choi, S.J. Oh, S.K. Kong, I.W. Lee and H.M. Lee. (2021). Predicting hearing recovery following treatment of idiopathic suddensensorineural hearing loss with machine learning models, American Journal Of Otolaryngology, 42(2),

Uhm, T. and S. Yi. (2019). Correct interpretation of kurtosis, Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science, 30(5), 967-976.

Lee, H., M. Kim, D. Kim, S. Yi, T. Uhm, J. Han and I. Lee. (2019). Effects of meteorological factor and air pollution on sudden sensorineural hearing loss using the health claims data in Busan, Republic of Korea, American Journal Of Otolaryngology, 40(3), 393-399.

Lionel, S. and S. Yi. (2019). Normally approximated Bayesian credible interval of binomial proportion, Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science, 30(1), 831-841.

Yi, S. and D.H. Jang. (2017). Approximation of pi by financial historical data, Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science, 28(4), 233-244.

Yi, S. and D.H. Jang. (2016). Graphical exploratory data analysis for ball games in sports, Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science, 27(5), 1413-1421.

Yi, S., L. Fairchild, S. Yoon. (2016). The information value of credit rating withdrawls, International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives, 2, 108-132.

Hart, J, T. Choi and S. Yi. (2016). Frequentist nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests via marginal likelihood ratios, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 96, 120-132.

Jang, D.H., Yi, S. (2015). An application of mututal information in mathematical statistics education, Journal of the Korean Data & Information Science, 26(4), 1017-1025.

Jang, D.H., Yi, S. and Kim, Y. (2014). The Maximin Robust Design for the Uncertainty of Parameters of Michaelis-Menten Model, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 27(7), 191-200.

Jang, D.H., Yi, S. and Kim, Y. (2014). Some Examples of Constrained Optimal Experimental Design for Nonlinear Models, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 27(7), 75-85.

Han, S.H., Moore, W.T., Shin, Y.S. and Yi, S. (2013). Unsolicited Versus Solicited: Credit Ratings and Bond Yields, Journal of Financial Services Research, 43(3), 293-319.

Jang, D.H., Yi, S. and Kim, Y. (2013). The DD-plot for Detecting the Out-of-Control State in Multivariate Process, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 26(2), 281?290.

Lee, Y.-T. and Yi, S. (2012). The Study of Efficient Financial Support for Small Enterprise through the Analysis of the Loan Default Rate by Small Enterprise, Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, 34, Vol.3, 1-19.

Yi, S. and Jang, D.H. (2011). A Study on the Frequency Structure of Probability Distributions Using Social Network Analysis, The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics, 24, 1169-1179.

Yi, S. and Choi, T. (2011), A Direct Approach to Understanding Posterior Consistency of Bayesian Regression Problems, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 40, 3315-3326.

Lee, K.J., Cho, N.H., Zhu, S.Y. and Yi, S. (2010). An Analysis of Interaction between Exchange Rates and Stocks in Japan, International Area Studies Review, 14, 55-76.

Yi, S. (2008). An orthogonal representation of estimable functions, Communications of the Korean Statistical Society, 15, 837-842.

Kang, Y.J., Kim, K.S. & Yi, S. (2007). A Statistical Approach for the Determination of Location and Range of Fishing Grounds in the Coastal Vessel Fishery, The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration, 38, 97-103.

Yi, S. (2005). The Asymptotic Distribution of the Constant Behavior of the Generalized Partial Autocorrelation Function of an ARMA Process, Statistics & Probability Letters, 75, 113-118.

Yi, S. (2005). A Comparison of the two bandwidth selectors OSCV and AICc in Nonparametric regression, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 34, 585-594.

Yi, S. and Choi, B.S. (2004). Spectral-Factorization of The Autocorrelation Sequence of an IIR Filter Using Patterns of Three Functions, Computational Statistics, 19, 511-519.

Yi, S. and Choi, B.S. (2002). Levinson Durbin Algorithm As a Szego Recursion, Computational Statistics, 17, 59-64.

Yi, S. (2001). Asymptotic Stability of the OSCV Smoothing Parameter Selection, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 30, 10, 2033-2044.

Yi, S. and Choi, B. S. (2000). A Probabilistic Interpretation of the KL Spectrum, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 29, 1-8.

Yi, S. and Choi, B. S. (1999). Solving 2-D Wiener Filtering Problem Using the Block Cholesky Decomposition, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 28, 1059-1072.

Hart, J. D. and Yi, S. (1998), One-sided Cross-validation, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93, 620-631.

Yi, S. (1997), The Cholesky Decomposition and the Maximum Entropy Probability Density of a Stationary Process, Yonsei Economic Studies, 4, 209-211. 



S. Yi, et. al. (2019). Elementary Statistics with R, 3rd. ed., Free Academy, ISBN 9791158082154.

S. Yi, et. al. (2012). Statical Practice with MINITAB 16 2nd ed., Kyowoosa, ISBN: 89-8172-695-9.

S. Yi, et. al. (2011). Basic Statistics with R, Free Academy, ISBN: 89-7338-864-6.

S. Yi, et. al. (2010). Statistics with R, Free Academy, ISBN:89-7338-817-2.

S. Yi, et. al. (2007) Statical Practice with MINITAB, Kyowoosa, ISBN: 89-8172-695-9.

S. Yi, et. al. (2004) Calculus, Kyowoosa, ISBN: 89-8172-006-1.

S. Yi, et. al. (2004) New Calculus, Bosunggak, ISBN: 89-7839-011-0.

S. Yi and B.S. Choi (2003) Statistics by SAS, 2nd ed., Sekyungsa, ISBN: 8971270837.

S. Yi and B.S. Choi (2003) Statistics by SAS 1st ed., Sekyungsa, ISBN : 8971270802.

S. Yi (2002), Probability, Sekyungsa, ISBN: 8971270772.

S. Yi (2002), Statistics, Sekyungsa, ISBN:8971270764.

S. Yi and B.S. Choi (2001), Diagonalization and Jordan Canonical Form of Matrices, Sekyungsa, ISBN : 8971270675.

S. Yi, et. al.(2000) Linear algebra with applications (Korean), Kyungmoonsa, ISBN: 8972823899.

S. Yi, et. (2000) Calculus, Gyowoosa, ISBN: 8981720061. 



Ahn, S., Yi, S. and Jang, D.H. (2021), Visualization of Loss Functions of Artificial Neural Networks in High-dimensional Data, The 19th Asian Network For Quality Congress 2021.

Uhm, T. and Yi, S. (2020), A comparison of normality testing methods by empirical power and p-values as random variables, 2020 Korea Data and Information Society Fall Conference.

Yi, S. (2019), A Measure of How Supportive the Data is, 2019 Rloyd Roeling UL Lafayette Mathematics Conference:Statistics (ASA Louisiana Chapter)

Yi, S. (2015), Graphical EDA for Ball Games in Sports, 2015 Rloyd Roeling UL Lafayette Mathematics Conference:Statistics (ASA Louisiana Chapter)

Yi, S. and Jang, D.H. (2013), Extensions of DD-plot, JSRC2013, Niigata University, Japan.

Yi, S. and Jang, D.H. (2013) An Application of Mutual Information in Mathematical Statistics Education, JSRC2013, Niigata University, Japan.

Yi, S. and Jang, D.H. (2012), London Olympic data analysis by graphical EDA, 2012 Fall Conference of Korean Statistical Association, Korea. 

Yi, S., Jang, D.H. and Kim, Y. (2012). The DD-plot for Detecting the Out-of-Control State in Multivariate Process, 2012 Fall Conference of Korean Statistical Association, Korea.

Lee, Y.-T. and Yi, S. (2012). The Study of Efficient Financial Support for Small Enterprise through the Analysis of the Loan Default Rate by Small Enterprise, 2012 First half annual conference of the Korean Journal of Financial Engineering, Korea.

Yi, S. and Choi, T.R. (2012), A Direct Approach to Understanding Posterior Consistency of Bayesian Regression Problems, Fifth Annual Bayesian Biostatistics Conference, Houston Texas, USA.

Yi, S. and Jang, D.H. (2011), The Value of pi in the Korea Economic Behaviors, The 1st International Congress on Natural Sciences(ICNS 2011) with Sisterhood Universities, Korea.

Park, J., Kim, C., Yi, S. and Hong, J. (2010), An Empirical Study of the relationship between diversification level and Firm value of Korean Companies using quantile regression, Second half annual meeting of Korean Financial Engineering Association, Korea.

Lee, K.J. Cho, N.H., Zhu, S.Y. and Yi, S. (2010). An Analysis of Interaction between Exchange Rates and Stocks in Japan, 2010 Conference of the International Area Study. Korea.

Han, S.H., Moore, W.T., Shin, Y.S. and Yi, S. (2009), Unsolicited and Solicited Credit Ratings in Bond Markets, 2009 FMA Annual Meeting, USA.

Yi, S. (2009), An orthogonal representation of estimable functions, NSYSU-PKNU Jointed Symposium at Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Yi, S. (2008), A Role of Statisticians in Finance Researches, 2008 Annual Meeting of the Korean Data and Information Science Society, Korea.

Yi, S. (2005), A representation of estimable functions using SVD, Symposium on physics and mathematical sciences, Korea.

Yi, S. (2002), One-Sided Cross-Validation in Nonparametric Regression, The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japan Statistical Society, Japan.

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